Ann Arbor Auto Repair Shop

2012 Ford Focus Wiper Motor Replacement Ann Arbor MI

2012 Ford Focus with a faulty wiper module preventing wiper motor operation. This problem appeared immediately after the vehicle owner replaced the vehicle battery. The owner swallowed their pride and brought the vehicle to our auto repair shop in Ann Arbor, MI and we were happy to help them.

We explained that changing the battery in itself should not cause this problem. Maybe if the ignition was left on with the wipers switched on when the battery cables were connected caused an electrical surge that damaged the wiper motor control module. We couldn't find any other electrical problems so the wiper motor failing when the battery was changed was probably just a coincidence. We don't blame people for trying to save money but with modern vehicles they need to be careful they don't cause more damage than they fix!

Best Practice
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Our auto repair technician, who specializes in Ford repair, started diagnosing this Ford Focus wiper motor problem by using a vehicle computer scan tool to check for error codes in the Body Control Module (BCM). They found two error codes related to the wiper motor module in the left wiper motor assembly.

Next, the technician checked the wiper motor fuse and found it was good. Then, they removed the vehicle battery and battery support tray to inspect the Engine Control Module (ECM) communication wire and found no problems with the wire harness. Animals' chewed wires cause many issues, and wire harnesses must be carefully inspected.

Next, the technician removed the wiper cowl cover, checked for power at both wiper motors, and found correct voltage levels and good ground connections. Then, they checked the BCM communication wire with the left front wiper motor disconnected. The line voltage increased sharply when the left motor was disconnected, and the BCM error code was no longer present. This indicated the problem was in the wiper motor assembly.

Since the wiper motor control module is part of the wiper motor assembly, no further diagnosis was available, and the technician recommended replacing the left wiper motor as the next step in the diagnosis process.

Our service advisor sent the customer a progress report of the diagnosis with photos and a detailed estimate to repair the wiper problem. The customer approved the wiper problem repair, and we got to work. The parts were available locally, the new wiper motor was installed, and it worked as designed with no new error codes.


The wiper motor control circuit board failed, and the driver's side wiper motor assembly would no longer operate.


This vehicle was in exceptionally good condition and had very low mileage. It was a surprise that the wiper motor failed on such a obviously well cared for vehicle. We can think of only two reasons the motor would fail: sometime in its history the motor was overheated and damaged when the wipers were frozen to the windshield, or with the vehicle being twelve years old, the motor failed from age.

[photo of odometer. CAPTION: Notice the odometer reading of only 22,988 miles! But miles driven is only one factor in vehicle aging. Time has a big impact especially with many synthetic materials. Heat and cold combined with time deteriorates parts.]

Like many electrical problems there was no clear cause for this failure. A good technician looks for an associated problem, and if no other problems are found, the technician concludes the problem was caused by a failure in the wiper motor control circuit board. It could be an electronic part failure due to a manufacturing defect or design weakness, or the part has failed due to age and wear.


Our Ford technician disconnected the driver's side wiper linkage from the wiper motor, and unbolted and removed the defective motor. They inserted and bolted the new wiper motor in place, connected the wiring, and tested the motor for correct operation.

[photo: wiper motor. CAPTION: 2012 Ford Focus wiper motor replacement due to wiper control module failure. There are two wiper motors, one located on each side below the windshield.]

Once they confirmed the new motor worked correctly the technician replaced the wiper cowl panel, installed the wiper arms and blades. They performed a final wiper operation test and verified the wiper motor repair was complete.

The vehicle was ready by the end of the day which made the customer happy. Our service advisor contacted the customer and let them know their car was ready for pickup. They felt good that their DIY efforts were not to blame for the wiper motor failure.

Repair Notes

Common symptoms of failed 2012 Ford Focus wiper motor:

  • Wiper arms stop in the middle of the windshield when wipers are turned off.
  • Wiper operates intermittently, or not at all.
  • Only one wiper works.
  • Unusual noises when wiper motor operating.

Best Practice

Good Diagnosis

The wiper control switch, wiper control module, wiper motor, or wiring problems can all behave like a wiper motor failure. Failure to properly inspect and test these components during the diagnosis may lead to the incorrect and unnecessary wiper motor replacement.

Diagnosis of a wiper problem is a very logical, step-by-step process. The technician must understand how the wiper system works, both mechanically and electrically. They must follow a step-by-step process without skipping a step or jumping to conclusions. On-board computers and scan diagnostic tools can help point the technician in the right direction, but the technician must know and follow the diagnosis process to accurately identify the problem and recommend the correct repair. Training is essential, but experience makes the process quick and accurate. Both a high degree of training and experience is the value we provide to our customers! [link to technician profile with Ford experience]

Quality Wiper Motor Replacement

During replacement, a quality auto repair shop will inspect, lubricate, and torque all of the components of the wiper linkage. Adjustment of the wiper arms and replacement of the wiper blades makes for a quality repair.


According to a national auto repair pricing service the average cost for a 2012 Ford Focus Windshield Wiper Motor Replacement on one side ranges from $281 to $301 with a cost breakdown of labor costs being 26%, and parts being 74% (*2024).

This range does not include diagnosis, taxes and fees, and does not factor in the overhead and labor costs specific to this location. Related repairs may also be needed.

Please contact Hoover Street Auto Repair in Ann Arbor, MI for a detailed 2012 Ford Focus Windshield Wiper Motor Replacement cost estimate.


Wiper motors can be damaged when the wipers arms are restricted from moving. The most common cause of a failed wiper motor is wiper blades frozen to the windshield. The wiper motor quickly overheats and the high power demand damages the control module or the motor. The fuse will eventually blow but often the damage is done before the fuse fails. This expensive repair can be prevented by making sure the wiper blades are free of snow and ice before turning on the wipers. Make sure snow and ice are cleared away from the wiper arms and blades. Spray windshield washer fluid anti-freeze onto the wiper blades and let it soak into the ice before switching on the wipers.


Why won't my 2012 Ford Focus windshield wipers turn off?

There is a problem with the wiper motor control module. The control module is part of the wiper motor assembly and requires a wiper motor replacement.

How do I know if my wiper fuse is blown?

The 2012 Ford Focus has two windshield wiper motors. If both wipers don't work, it may be a blown fuse. If either wiper works, it is not the fuse. A ohm meter can be used to test a fuse positively.

Do wiper motors give any warning they will stop working?

Sometimes, wiper motors provide hints they are about to quit working. If the problem is a mechanical motor issue, it will usually start to make strange, odd noises before it quits working. Electrical wiper motor problems often don't give any warning - they often quit working without warning. If you are lucky, the issue will be intermittent, and you will be given a brief warning before they quit. Don't delay having your wiper problem diagnosed. It is very difficult to drive in rain or snow without wipers, and if they fail, it will cost you a towing bill to your auto repair shop...

Can a wiper motor assembly be repaired?

Not usually. The parts that fail are not available separately and require the whole motor to be replaced.

How often should wiper blades be replaced?

Early fall season. Summer's intense heat and UV light cause the rubber blade to deteriorate, so replacing it every fall before the rainy winter is the best practice.

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Hoover Street Auto Repair
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
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